Friday, December 7, 2012

About Emma...

If you could go out to eat with anyone alive or dead, who would it be?
My friends at SPA because they are super fun to talk to and just spend time with. We would probably go to IHOP and I would get lots of bacon and maybe some chicken and waffles.

What was your favorite movie as a kid? What is your favorite movie now?
As a kid my favorite movies were: Swan Princess, Anastasia, and Harry Potter. Now my favorite movies are Swan Princess, Anastasia, and Harry Potter.

Who do you want to grow up to be like?
My mom.

Who did you want to grow up to be like as a kid?

What was the first job you ever wanted to have?
I wanted to be an artist.

If you could have been in any movie that has already been made, what would it be and who would you play?
Harry Potter as Hermione Granger.

If you could be in the film adaption of any book whether or not the movie has been made, what would it be and who would you play?
Harry Potter as Hermione Granger.

If you wrote a novel what would it be about?
Harry Potter.

What's your favorite book?
Harry Potter.

Cats or dogs?

Who was your imaginary friend?
When I was little my imaginary friend's name was Marie and she was my reflection in the mirror. She was exactly like me and did everything that I did. It was kind of creepy.

Favorite ice cream flavor?

Anything else you want to say?

Friday, September 14, 2012

A bit about Jillian...

Who did you want to grow up to be when you were a kid?
A Pokemon trainer, Harry Potter, and other random people like that.

Who would you want to play you in the movie about your life?
Uh... Alan Rickman dressed as a girl? Just because he's cool...

If you could go out to eat with anyone alive or dead, who would it be?
First of all, I would cheat and have a whole dinner party. Then I would invite awesome people like Shakespeare and Anakin Skywalker, even though Ani is a fictional character. And I would ask Shakespeare if he really wrote Shakespeare.

Cats or Dogs?
Cats. Now I have Jellicle Cats stuck in my head... Of course...

What is your favorite color?
I don't really have one.

What was your favorite movie as a kid? What is your favorite movie now?
I think I'm going to have to say The Lion King for both as a kid and now.

Favorite Disneyland ride?
I like the teacup ride. It's just so classic. And who doesn't want to sit inside a giant spinning teacup...? But the It's a Small World ride scared the wits out of me when I was little. The nutcrackers were terrifying.

Favorite ice cream flavor?
Mint...? Though it changes periodically.

A bit about Ana...

If you could go out to eat with anyone alive or dead, who would it be?
CLEOPATRA!!!!  Because she is my idol, and I would give anything to speak to her for five minutes(hopefully she learned english wherever she's been.). I would take her to get pizza, because who wouldn't like pizza??? I have no idea what I would say..... I would probably ask  her about whatever I was struggling with in life at the moment.

What was your favorite movie as a kid? What is your favorite movie now?
Dumbo, or Thumbelina, or Cleopatra. Cleopatra (surprise!), or Across the Universe.

Who did you want to grow up to be when you were a kid?
This is going to get overly repetitive.

Who do you want to grow up to be like?
..................... who do you think? Cleopatra.

If you could have been in any movie that has already been made, what would it be and who would you play?
...................................................... For the sake of everyone's sanity Im just going to stop answering these questions. If it's blank, just assume the answer is Cleopatra.

What book or movie or song ALWAYS makes you cry?
Harry Potter Seven (book)..... goodbye childhood...
....... or Cleopatra, I always skip the end so I don't have to watch her die.

What's your favorite book? too many.

Cats or Dogs?
DOGS! Even though I'm allergic to both. I'm less allergic to dogs.

What was the first job you ever wanted to have?
I wanted to be an opera singer!

What is the movie, or artist, or song that you are most embarassed to admit that you love?
................... Call Me Maybe (BLAME TORI TRUAX!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S REALLY NOT MY FAULT!!!!!!)

If you wrote a novel, what would it be about?
A child's imagination during trauma

If you could live within the world of any book/movie, what would it be? i.e., go to Hogwarts, become a Jedi...
Hogwarts. All. The. Way.

Favorite Disneyland ride? 
Never been.
[oh, Ana dearest, this is a great sadness that must be remedied so that you can have a childhood <3/Claire]

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A bit about Danica

I think you know what this is, so I'm just going to start :)

If you could take anyone alive or dead out to eat, who would it be?
Audrey Hepburn because she's amazing and I idolize her so much. I don't know what she'd eat but I know I'd get something with cheese and carbs hahaha. I would ask her how she got where she did and how she managed to be so amazing even though she wasn't what most people were looking for at that time. 

What was your favorite movie as a kid? 
The Little Mermaid or Life Size. 
And now?
Probably Breakfast at Tiffany's. Cheesy, I know.

Favorite color?
My favorite color is pink. (Shocking, right?) ;)

What is the movie, artist, or song that you're embarassed to admit you love?
I love Demi Lovato

Who do you want to grow up to be like?
Audrey Hepburn

Who did you want to grow up to be when you were a kid?
My mom

Who would you want to play you in a movie about your life?
Definitely not me hahaha. Probably Natasha.

Favorite book?
So embarrassing... Twilight. Haha or Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult. Let's go with that one... :)

Favorite food?
Um... all of it. I love anything sweet, pasta, and potatoes.

Favorite song/musician?
Favorite musician is Adele.

What book/movie/song etc. always makes you cry?
 The dance "Without a Word" that Blakelee choreographed does, Marley and Me and My Sister's Keeper, the book and movie, always make me cry.

Favorite ice cream flavor?
Seriously, all of them. I really like Late Night Snack though.

What made you want to come to SPA?
Oakley Matthew's mom was my hairdresser and she mentioned it and I was like "Yes! I'm going to go to school and be a singer!" And what did I do? Become an actress haha.

So there it is! Hope you enjoyed!

Monday, June 11, 2012

A bit about Zack...

Introducing Zack Myrick, our Conservatory Secretary!!

What are some of the shows you've done recently?
Over the summer I was in a production of The Taming of the Shrew at The Children's Theatre here in Salt Lake City. I was cast as Tranio. It was quite an experience. It was my first time doing a show out of the school setting and I learned that things definitely work differently. Like, I had a lot smaller of a voice in that production that I ever have had before. I also learned that there are different techniques being used out there than what I have been taught so I should learn more. 

If you could take anyone alive or dead out to eat, who would it be and where would you go?
Probably Eugene O'Neill. I would take him wherever he wanted which would probably not even let me in because he was such an alcoholic. I would just let him talk. Tell me about play ideas he never finished, how to correctly act his work, how to write so beautifully. 

What was your favorite movie as a kid? What is your favorite movie now?
As a kid? Politically correct answer? Toy Story. Politically Incorrect answer?(true answer) Scream. Yeah... Right now it would probably be... nope that question is far too difficult to answer. So many.

Favorite color?
Electric Blue

Who did you want to grow up to be like as a kid?
Brad Pitt

What is the first job you ever wanted to have?

If you could have been in any movie already made, what would it be and who would you play?
Probably Lord of the Rings. Just to see those sets and makeup and be in that world. I also thing I would have made an alright Frodo. ;) 

If you could be in the film adaption of any book, what would it be?
FABLEHAVEN! Claire should like this one. It would be so awesome to experience that entire mythology come to life on screen. 

Cats or dogs?
I just got a kitten!

Favorite book?
Let the Right One In. I know... it's a vampire book. BUT IT'S SO GOOD! 

If you could live within the universe of any book/movie, what would it be? (i.e., go to Hogwarts, become a Jedi...)
Either Stardust, Fablehaven, or yeah, Star Wars. 

Favorite ice cream flavor?
Boring vanilla. 

(PS: This awkward white background here? Yeah... don't know how to make it go away... Sorry!)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

A bit about Adelle

Here's some cool things about our Vice President, Adelle Williams!

Tell us a bit about yourself
The top of my hair is dreaded and the rest isn't. That's interesting. My passion is directing. I listen to music a lot and I go to a lot of concerts. I'm not that great with talking about myself so this is going to end.

What are some of the shows and performances you've done?
I just did the sound for the dance department show, 198 Feet. That was interesting. I had a lot of fun once I learned exactly what I was doing because I went into it knowing absolutely nothing. It was a really great experience and I am really glad I was able to do it.

If you could take anyone living or dead out to eat, who would it be?
Anyone? Does an entire band count? Okay. Papa Roach because they are my absolute favorite band and they seem really awesome. I would take them somewhere that isn't fancy because they're a rock band and they don't do fancy restaurants and neither do I, and the food would have to be something really really amazing. I would tell them everything I love about their music and I would ask why they wrote certain songs and the motives behind their album titles. 

What was your favorite movie as a kid? What is your favorite movie now?
My favorite movie as a kid was The Lion King and my favorite movie now is Fight Club.

Favorite color?
I have two. Bright orange and dark blue.

What is the movie/artist/song you're embarrassed to admit you like?
I love all movies so there is no embarrassment there. With artists, I either like them or I don't. I kind of sort of just a little bit like Justin Bieber's song Boyfriend. It's gross.

Who did you want to grow up to be when you were a kid?
When I was a kid I wanted to be like Lars Ulrich, the drummer for Metallica. I thought that he was the coolest guy ever and I wanted to be just like him.

What was the first job you ever wanted to have?
I wanted my first job to be playing baseball because I thought it was the best sport known to man and I used to be really awesome at it.

If you could have ANY job in the world, what would it be?
I really wouldn't mind being a forensic investigator. 

If you could have been in any movie that's already been made, what would it be/who would you play?
Fight Club. I would be Tyler Durden because he's a total badass. 

If you could be in the film adaption of any book--whether or not it's been done before--what would it be/who would you play?
I could totally answer this with the same answer as the last one, but I won't. It would probably be the Anita Blake series and I would be Anita Blake because she is also a badass. 

Who would play you in a movie about your life?
Me. Because I don't like the idea of someone playing the role of me. It's weird.

If you wrote a novel, what would it be about?
Something gruesome. 

Cats or dogs?
Dogs. Definitely dogs.

Who was your imaginary friend? What were they like?
I don't remember the name of my imaginary friend, but I do remember that it was a she and she was so mean! I don't remember a whole lot, but I do remember how mean she was.

What is your favorite book?
Santa Olivia. 

What is the first book/movie/song that made you cry?
The Lion King was the first movie to make me cry. Pretty sure I cried a bit more than I should have.

If you could live within the world of any book/movie, what would it be? (i.e. go to Hogwarts, become a Jedi...)
Harry Potter. Is that not the ideal living space for a SPA kid?

Favorite ice cream flavor?
I don't like ice cream.

What first made you want to come to SPA?
 I loved theatre and I hated my middle school.

Anything else you want to say?
SPA has made me a much better person and I am so thankful for it. I am very grateful to be able to call myself a SPA kid. 

Sunday, May 27, 2012

A little bit about Sam

These are the responses from the lovely Samantha Gibbons, our Actors' Conservatory president for next year!

Tell us a little bit about your position in Conservatory.
I am conservatory President and my job is to start warm-ups every day and run all the meetings :) Just make sure things run smoothly and everyone's voice is heard.

What are some of the shows you've done recently? Tell us about it.
My favorite show I've done at SPA was The Mill On The Floss. I played the youngest Maggie, and it was a beautiful experience being in it. 

If you could go out to eat with anyone alive or dead, who would it be?
Johnny Depp/ Tim Burton because Johnny Depp is one of my role models and an incredible actor, and Tim Burton has an interesting intellect. I wanna know what goes on in his head.
What would you say to them?
OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG, you are so awesome :) Probably something like that...

What was your favorite movie as a kid? What is your favorite movie now?
One of my favorite movies as a kid was Monster's Inc. My favorite movie now is THE AVENGERS!

What is the movie/artist/song that you are embarassed to admit that you love?
Party in the U.S.A. by Miley Cyrus. it's a good song... :) haha

Who did you want to grow up to be when you were a kid?
Belle from beauty and the beast :)

What was the first job you ever wanted to have?
I wanted to be a veterinarian when I was young

If you could have been in any movie ever made, what would it be and who would you play?
I would do Singing in the Rain and I would want to be Kathy Selden, because that would just be the funnest movie to be in :) Or The Avengers, and I'd be Black Widow because she's awesome and that's the best movie ever!

Who would you want to play you in the movie of your life?
Amanda Bynes. Hands down.

If you wrote a novel, what would it be about?
Super heroes.

Cats or dogs?

Who was your imaginary friend? 
I didn't have one... but now I do. His name is Bob. Whenever something bad happens, I blame it on Bob. :) woot.

If you could live within the universe of any book or movie, what would it be? (i.e., go to Hogwarts, become a Jedi)
DEFINITELY HOGWARTS!!! But living in the world of the City of Bones books wouldn't suck either... :)

Favorite Disney... ride? Indiana Jones
Character? Dory from Finding Nemo
Villian? Ursula from Little Mermaid
Movie? Hard to choose from  such a fantabulous selection, but I would have to say... Ugh! I can't choose!! Everything Pixar

Anything else you want to say?
These are not the droids you are looking for.

And that's some fun things about Sam! 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

A little bit about Carrie

So, I emailed everyone a bunch of questions to answer about themselves. Here's what I got from Carrie. Enjoy!

If you could go out to eat with anyone alive or dead, who would it be?
If I could go out to eat with anyone alive or dead it would probably be Stanislavsky and Chekhov.  I'd ask for an acting lesson from Konstantine and I'd visit with Chekhov about how he really wanted his plays to be performed.   Actually I'd probably just sit there speechless and not be able to eat anything because I'd be totally freaked out to be in their presence.

What was your favorite movie as a kid? What is your favorite movie now?
Favorite movie as a kid - Random Harvest.  Favorite movie now - To Kill a Mockingbird 

What is your favorite color?
Currently sky blue

Who do you want to grow up to be like?
I want to grow up to be just like Carrie Morgan on a good day.  Never want to be Carrie Morgan on a bad day.

What was the first book/movie/song that made you cry?
First movie that made me cry - Frosty the Snowman.  Cried for days after.   Never bought that the new Frosty was the same as the one that melted.  He didn't have any memory of his experiences with the little girl so he was just a completely different, dumb new snowman.  Still bothers me.   Then there's Bambi's mother getting shot...

And that's a little bit about Carrie Morgan!

Monday, May 21, 2012

And so it begins!

Hi there, everyone :)

This marks the beginning of the Actors' Conservatory Blog! Hooray! I expect you all to be cheering loudly in front of your own personal computer screens.

What's happening here is that I will be posting every few weeks on what is going on for the Actors' Conservatory. Really simple and self-explanatory. And with any luck, other members will be posting things also, because, well, hearing from just one person can be quite boring.

So! The list for next year's 2012-13 members happens to be:

Carrie Morgan--Department Head
Samantha Gibbons--President
Adelle Williams--Vice President
Zack Myrick--Secretary
Danica DiFrancesco--Fundraising
Jillian Brenner--Public Relations
Ana Gregoire--Costumes
Emma Truax--Activities
Claire Wilson--Video Tech (this is me, by the way :])

I can personally verify that all of them are absolutely brilliant. For the next bit, I'll do a post on everyone one at a time so that--even though my guess is that everyone reading this already knows these people, we can learn a bit about them.

Really, I'm out of news here. So go have a good day.