Monday, June 11, 2012

A bit about Zack...

Introducing Zack Myrick, our Conservatory Secretary!!

What are some of the shows you've done recently?
Over the summer I was in a production of The Taming of the Shrew at The Children's Theatre here in Salt Lake City. I was cast as Tranio. It was quite an experience. It was my first time doing a show out of the school setting and I learned that things definitely work differently. Like, I had a lot smaller of a voice in that production that I ever have had before. I also learned that there are different techniques being used out there than what I have been taught so I should learn more. 

If you could take anyone alive or dead out to eat, who would it be and where would you go?
Probably Eugene O'Neill. I would take him wherever he wanted which would probably not even let me in because he was such an alcoholic. I would just let him talk. Tell me about play ideas he never finished, how to correctly act his work, how to write so beautifully. 

What was your favorite movie as a kid? What is your favorite movie now?
As a kid? Politically correct answer? Toy Story. Politically Incorrect answer?(true answer) Scream. Yeah... Right now it would probably be... nope that question is far too difficult to answer. So many.

Favorite color?
Electric Blue

Who did you want to grow up to be like as a kid?
Brad Pitt

What is the first job you ever wanted to have?

If you could have been in any movie already made, what would it be and who would you play?
Probably Lord of the Rings. Just to see those sets and makeup and be in that world. I also thing I would have made an alright Frodo. ;) 

If you could be in the film adaption of any book, what would it be?
FABLEHAVEN! Claire should like this one. It would be so awesome to experience that entire mythology come to life on screen. 

Cats or dogs?
I just got a kitten!

Favorite book?
Let the Right One In. I know... it's a vampire book. BUT IT'S SO GOOD! 

If you could live within the universe of any book/movie, what would it be? (i.e., go to Hogwarts, become a Jedi...)
Either Stardust, Fablehaven, or yeah, Star Wars. 

Favorite ice cream flavor?
Boring vanilla. 

(PS: This awkward white background here? Yeah... don't know how to make it go away... Sorry!)

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