Friday, December 7, 2012

About Emma...

If you could go out to eat with anyone alive or dead, who would it be?
My friends at SPA because they are super fun to talk to and just spend time with. We would probably go to IHOP and I would get lots of bacon and maybe some chicken and waffles.

What was your favorite movie as a kid? What is your favorite movie now?
As a kid my favorite movies were: Swan Princess, Anastasia, and Harry Potter. Now my favorite movies are Swan Princess, Anastasia, and Harry Potter.

Who do you want to grow up to be like?
My mom.

Who did you want to grow up to be like as a kid?

What was the first job you ever wanted to have?
I wanted to be an artist.

If you could have been in any movie that has already been made, what would it be and who would you play?
Harry Potter as Hermione Granger.

If you could be in the film adaption of any book whether or not the movie has been made, what would it be and who would you play?
Harry Potter as Hermione Granger.

If you wrote a novel what would it be about?
Harry Potter.

What's your favorite book?
Harry Potter.

Cats or dogs?

Who was your imaginary friend?
When I was little my imaginary friend's name was Marie and she was my reflection in the mirror. She was exactly like me and did everything that I did. It was kind of creepy.

Favorite ice cream flavor?

Anything else you want to say?

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