Thursday, May 24, 2012

A little bit about Carrie

So, I emailed everyone a bunch of questions to answer about themselves. Here's what I got from Carrie. Enjoy!

If you could go out to eat with anyone alive or dead, who would it be?
If I could go out to eat with anyone alive or dead it would probably be Stanislavsky and Chekhov.  I'd ask for an acting lesson from Konstantine and I'd visit with Chekhov about how he really wanted his plays to be performed.   Actually I'd probably just sit there speechless and not be able to eat anything because I'd be totally freaked out to be in their presence.

What was your favorite movie as a kid? What is your favorite movie now?
Favorite movie as a kid - Random Harvest.  Favorite movie now - To Kill a Mockingbird 

What is your favorite color?
Currently sky blue

Who do you want to grow up to be like?
I want to grow up to be just like Carrie Morgan on a good day.  Never want to be Carrie Morgan on a bad day.

What was the first book/movie/song that made you cry?
First movie that made me cry - Frosty the Snowman.  Cried for days after.   Never bought that the new Frosty was the same as the one that melted.  He didn't have any memory of his experiences with the little girl so he was just a completely different, dumb new snowman.  Still bothers me.   Then there's Bambi's mother getting shot...

And that's a little bit about Carrie Morgan!

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